Installation Guide

1) Pour Concrete

  • Pour the concrete into the form to create a smooth, uninterrupted surface to your pathway.

2) Screed The concrete

  • Screed the concrete to make it as level and smooth as possible. You can use a simple wood 2x4, or purchase hollow aluminum or magnesium straightedges for this step!

3) Create Your Stencil

  • To create your glowing pattern, create a stencil using wood or another light material. Ideally, it should be easy-to move and replicate the pattern along the path so everything lines up nicely once the project is finished.

4) Seed In Your Glow Stones

  • Using your pattern stencil, broadcast your glow stones across the area until you've reached your desired glow effect.

5) Let The Concrete Cure

  • When the concrete has lost its sheen, smooth over it with a concrete float. Then spray wash the surface.

6) Enjoy The Glow

  • Sit back and enjoy your new glowing pattern.